A World-class Scholar in the Making

SSST Ferdinando Rossi Word Cloud (@ LVDI International)

Congratulations to Miss Francesca Rolle (Wildlife Research Intern) on her admission to the Ferdinando Rossi School of Advanced Studies, University of Turin (SSST)! We are confident that Francesca will flourish in this multidisciplinary program that combines biological and social sciences to inspire students to become future leaders and challenge them to think and act in a globally responsible way.

The SSST chose Francesca based on a set of merit criteria that include competitive written and oral examinations and outstanding letters of recommendations. Along with her acceptance to the School, Francesca will receive an annual scholarship and tuition waiver from the University of Turin.

Bravo, Francesca! You are one to watch!


Francesca Rolle (© F. Rolle/LVDI International)