Lemurs are the crown jewels of the Maromizaha forest. Species such as the indri (Indri indri), diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema) and black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) are among several precious biological gems that LVDI International is protecting in eastern Madagascar. But to ensure long-term conservation success in this area, focusing on the wildlife alone is not enough since most local families still rely on slash-and-burn agriculture and the harvesting of natural resources to survive. Using an integrated conservation approach, LVDI International places people’s needs first, and by doing so we have uncovered a unique GEM at Maromizaha.
GEM, short for Groupe des Entrepreneurs de Maromizaha, is one of our solutions to stimulate economic growth in rural communities by diversifying livelihoods and reducing people’s dependency on the forest. Currently GEM is comprised of more than 40 women from villages surrounding Maromizaha Protected Area, who have a strong desire to increase their household income and support their children’s education.
Last year we organized a meeting to begin developing the idea for GEM (see post Empowering Malagasy Women to Embrace Conservation and Entrepreneurship). The women were enthusiastic but shy, unsure of their abilities. To help make their entrepreneurial dreams become reality, in September LVDI International awarded the first GEM microgrant to women from five villages. We presented the microgrant as a challenge and asked the women to make handmade, one-of-a-kind dolls for their first business venture. Because purchasing supplies in rural Madagascar is not easy, we brought all the necessary materials to them. Besides bestowing words of encouragement and suggesting how they might benefit from teamwork, we asked the women to be as imaginative as possible.
Then we witnessed a transformation, something truly amazing and special!

A week later, we saw just how the GEM women could shine! Their shyness had been replaced with confidence and joy. We were overwhelmed by their productivity, and most of all, their creativity. The women had doubled the number of dolls they thought they could make, and each doll was as unique as the woman who made them. Not only did they enjoy the doll-making process, which was something they had never done before, but also they had experienced professional pride for the first time. The women exclaimed that GEM has given them the means to begin improving their lives and to provide a better future for their families.
At LVDI International, we believe a better future for the people is a better future for the lemurs.