Using our established Little Green Guards® model, we raised conservation awareness and fostered understanding about wildlife in primary schoolchildren in Benin, west Africa. Together with our local partner, Organisation pour le Développement Durable et la Biodiversité (ODDB), we conducted conservation education activities in rural schools located near the Gnanhouizounmè Sacred Forest. This isolated forest is home to several highly endangered species, including the red-bellied guenon (Cercopithecus erythrogaster) and the white-thighed colobus (Colobus vellerosus). Most local children had never entered the forest, and exposing them to the wonders that surround them has changed their understanding about why the forest needs to be protected. Furthermore, we supported the construction of a community nature center in Gnanhouizounmè that serves as an educational hub for people of all ages to learn about their native fauna and flora.
Little Green Guards® – Benin