Young Female Leaders Join Forces to Advance Biodiversity Conservation

LVDI International

Thi Thanh Than Nguyen (Conservation Education Associate) recently won a spot at the “2023 Special Training Session for Young Female Researchers and Conservation Practitioners” organized by WildAct.

The goal of this capacity-building workshop is to empower Vietnamese women to lead biodiversity conservation projects in the Greater Annamite Ecoregion. During the three-day event that took place in Hanoi, Than and her peers received detailed instruction on project development and grant writing, as well as how to recognize sex discrimination and prevent gender-based violence in the workplace.

“The most enriching part of this experience was the group discussions and exercises,” said Than. “Because all of the concepts were new to us and because we didn’t know each other previously, we needed to quickly learn how to work with our teammates to complete the training assignments.”


LVDI International
A strong camaraderie was critical to learning. Than led her team to develop a mock project aimed at reducing wildlife trade and the consumption of wildlife products (photo credit: WildAct).


LVDI International
The participants also benefited from peer-to-peer learning. Than expressed her views on the strengths of women in solving conservation issues and the barriers that women face in the conservation field (photo credit: WildAct).


After the workshop, Than organized an online session to share her training experiences with our staff in Da Nang. She believed that knowledge transfer of this kind was important for fostering a deeper connection between her and her colleagues as they continue to fulfill our conservation objectives in Vietnam.